
With lockdown restrictions coming to an end, this is our last Wellbeing Wednesday blog. Today we are looking at six ways people can look after their mental health and that of their loved ones as we head into winter.

In early November, a week after the clocks went back, there was a spike in the UK's highest levels of acute loneliness during the pandemic, according to the Office for National Statistics.

A BBC report claimed that the longer, darker evenings had led to 8% of adults saying they were feeling "always, or often lonely". This is a staggering 4.2 million people across Britain.

Now, more than ever before, it's essential to note how we're feeling mentally as well as physically.

With mindfulness in mind, here are six ideas from the Mental Health Foundation to improve your mental wellbeing over the winter months.

Get Help

If you are struggling with debt or feeling down, seek professional support and guidance.

Routines Work

Lockdowns play havoc with our schedules, so aim to create a simplified one that works for you. Try to build at least twenty minutes of exercise into your day.

Good Sleep Matters

A very important but overlooked aspect of good mental health is getting quality sleep. Try reading a book instead of watching tv or scrolling on your phone before bedtime.

Look for the Positives - Glass Half Full

Since the Pandemic hit, many things we took for granted have been temporarily stopped. However new ideas and events have emerged like online book clubs and Zoom quizzes. Many people are also finding a new purpose by volunteering in their local communities.

Stay Connected

There may be restrictions around meeting people, but that doesn't need to stop us staying in touch with friends and family. Pick up the phone and call or text someone you like/love today.

Make Friends with Winter

The Scandinavians have become experts over the centuries in coping with long, dark winters. Their approach is to make your home as comfortable as possible and enjoy the time indoors to read, cook, reflect, and relax.

At Butler Residential we have a glass half full attitude to life. We know our community cares about more than just property so we love sharing our blogs and hope they help you or someone you care about.

Thanks for reading and let's look out for each other this winter.

If you are looking for any additional support or advice The Mental Health Foundation has published some handy articles for people who may need it http://www.mentalhealth.org.uk

Copyright Butler Residential